how cute is she??
Currently, mi family(mom's side) consists of:
- yours truly(Allison)
- Claudia
- Prima
- Maha
- Karen
- Nefeli
- Nicole
- Aaron
- Nerine
- .... (little baby) ^^
So, she was born on the 24th of July 2008, and I went to see her on the 29th.. ehehe.. adorable eh??
I felt such happiness!!! It was seriously soooo cute!!! I mean, how more innocent can u get?? Really2 wish i could go back 2 those days when I had nothin 2 worry about.. dont u?? :)
big sis Claudia n Nerine with Little Baby
Proud sister Nerine
wah akhirnya update jg hahaha. smua bayi emg imut :P
baru tau lu update kmrn lol. UPDATENYA SERING2 dong son, kalo ngga ndak gua visit ;P
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